
New Jerseyans are invited to share their stories and ideas about our democracy.

New Jersey's Democracy Conversation

See what your neighbors are saying about democracy in our state.

Use the submission link below to add your own thoughts to the conversation. Responses from your fellow New Jerseyans can be viewed below. Use the various filters and click the "Submit" button to see only the responses that fit your selected criteria.

Tell Your Story

What do you think about the state of our democracy? Add your personal reflection to the statewide conversation about democracy in America through a written statement, photograph, or audio/video submission.


“Politicians polarizing the citizens”

What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“The ’72 Nixon-McGovern election”

Anonymous , 68
What do you remember about the first time you voted?

“Legislative stagnation”

What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Things change drastically between parties”

Linda , 71
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Hyper partisanship coupled with dishonesty”

Kim , 41
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Us vs. them mentalities”

Mannan , 18
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“The polarization of our bipartisan system”

Eve , 25
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Extreme positioning to activate their base”

What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“We have a hard time finding common ground”

Ariana , 44
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Loss of emotioanalism and pragmatism”

Siddharth , 30
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“We turn inward, harden our own beliefs”

Brian , 59
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Both parties blame each other”

Syed , 55
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Unable to agree on almost anything”

Nancy , 64
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Technology has allowed for ‘group think/echo chamber’ environments to flourish.”

Julius , 18
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Polarized views”

Swathi , 18
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Extreme polarization”

Megan , 19
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“The lack of unity”

Gabriella , 18
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Republicans and Democrats are becoming politically polarized”

Gus , 18
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“Creeping authoritarianism”

Bill , 83
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“far right terrorists”

Isabel , 88
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

“one party that is totalitarian”

Laura , 62
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?


Marrin , 30
What are the main challenges facing democracy today?

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