Trent House Association
Location: Trenton
Grant Round: 2024 Round 2
Award: Incubation / $15,000
Purpose: To support the development of a multi-sourced investigation into the lives of domestic servants on the Stokes family estate (now the Trent House Museum) during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era.
During the Gilded Age and into the Progressive Era, as many as twenty domestic servants lived and worked on the Stokes family estate in Trenton, now the William Trent House Museum. This project seeks to discover whether the individuals were immigrants and, if so, from whence and why they came; what activities in the community they might have participated in, social standing, and regular daily life; as well as the perceived and real opportunities available to them and their families within the broader context of this dichotomous era.
Using multiple sources, the project team will investigate what can be learned about these individuals whose work made the Stokes family life comfortable and explore ways to tell their stories in the context of urban American life of the times.
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Newark History Society
Newark, (Action / $15,000)
To support a weeklong series of events honoring Cudjo Banquante, an enslaved man who served as a soldier in the American Revolution and became Newark’s first documented Blank businessman.
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Montclair Film Festival Inc.
Montclair, (Action / $10,000)
To support an after-school documentary filmmaking class for teens in Paterson, NJ.
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Ritual4Return Inc.
Lambertville, (Action / $15,000)
To support two cohorts of Ritual4Return, a 12-week program through which returning citizens use humanities and theater techniques to process their incarceration and life experiences and take part in a re-welcoming to their communities.
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