Montclair Film Festival Inc.
Location: Montclair
Grant Round: 2025 Round 1
Award: Action / $10,000
Purpose: To support an after-school documentary filmmaking class for teens in Paterson, NJ.
Montclair Film, in partnership with OASIS, requests funding to support a 10-week documentary filmmaking class for 15 young women in grades 8-12 in Paterson. This after-school program will provide students with valuable career training, storytelling skills, and the opportunity to tell their own stories about Paterson. The program will culminate in a screening of the participants’ films.
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Newark History Society
Newark, (Action / $15,000)
To support a weeklong series of events honoring Cudjo Banquante, an enslaved man who served as a soldier in the American Revolution and became Newark’s first documented Blank businessman.
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Ritual4Return Inc.
Lambertville, (Action / $15,000)
To support two cohorts of Ritual4Return, a 12-week program through which returning citizens use humanities and theater techniques to process their incarceration and life experiences and take part in a re-welcoming to their communities.
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CavanKerry Press
Fort Lee, (Incubation / $7,000)
To support the Poetry Heals Program, a series of literary workshops for physicians/clinicians in hospitals and students in medical schools designed to build empathy and understanding.
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