American Littoral Society
Location: Highlands
Grant Round: Spring 2023
Award: Incubation / $15,000
Purpose: To support “River Relationships,” a story-gathering project focused on Camden residents’ experiences in relation to pollution of the Delaware River.
Environmental conservation can be a complex, science-heavy pursuit. But when the American Littoral Society wanted to understand the importance of the Delaware River to the residents who live near it—and the impact pollution has had on it—the organization turned to a humanistic approach.
“We understand that unless our scientists and policy experts can effectively communicate environmental problems to the residents most impacted, even the most advanced science will not be enough to encourage action,” said Assistant Director Lindsay McNamara.
The Delaware River is a beautiful waterway flowing through vibrant areas. Unfortunately, sewage overflows and runoff pollution create health risks for people who want to enjoy the river.
These pollution-related impacts affect the residents of the basin in an inequitable manner. Of the 330 miles of the river, only the 27 miles which flow past Camden, Philadelphia and Chester are unavailable for all the uses promised by the Clean Water Act: swimmable, accessible, fishable and equitably available clean water.
“We believe that community involvement is essential to our work and necessary for our success,” McNamara said. “We are looking to explore resident-to-resident what the Delaware River means to the people living closest to it. We hope to gather water stories, River Relationship stories, and images for more meaningful impact.”
Ultimately, the organization believe those stories—captured and presented in compelling ways—will be key to garnering support for cleanup efforts.
“Our big, bright, bold vision is that the Delaware River (and also the Schuykill River and various tributaries) is SAFE (Swimmable, Accessible, Fishable and Equitable) for all residents from Camden to Philadelphia. We believe that this project will help us to present information in a new way to catch the eye of the decisionmakers who can make a difference.”
For more information, visit
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