Based on your calls and emails, we know that many of you are looking for information on ways to advocate for public humanities programming and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
President Trump’s recent release of a budget draft calls for the elimination of the NEH and its sister organizations, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and several other agencies that provide essential services and opportunities throughout the country. Speaking up for our nation’s educational and cultural institutions now is critical to the future of our democracy.
If you’d like to advocate for the NEH and the programs it supports in NJ, here are a few ways:
The easiest way to do this is to visit The National Humanities Alliance website. Fill out the form and the system will automatically determine your congressional delegation. With ONE call, you will be connected to each office. Talking points are available through the NHA site too. Even better, you can add any personal stories about how you have been impacted by the public humanities.
Ask your friends and family members to advocate as well.
Letters to the editor are generally 250 words or under.
Like the NJCH Facebook page and share our advocacy messages with your friends. Even better, invite friends to like the page after sharing some of our posts.
Thank you again for your support of the humanities, especially here in New Jersey where NEH funding is so vital to what we do. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Together we can stand up and be heard.